Search Results for: Emerging Issues


State Wage Case Submission 2023

…corroborated this, with the two main reasons that people access FCN services are when people are managing on a low or inadequate income or are having private debt issues. Figure…


Submission to the Select Committee on the Cost of Living

…co-occurring issues for financial counselling clients. Employment issues and factors related to domestic violence, parenting and family issues, separation and divorce and child support, were also significant co-occurring issues for…


Emerging Issues Forum 2024

Each year WACOSS hosts an Emerging Issues Forum. The online event is a future-focused scan, to analyse the most current and relevant trends affecting the sector, providing an opportunity for…


Emerging Issues Forum 2023

…The extremist landscape in 2023 – emerging challenges and considerations This brief will outline three emerging and intensifying trends relating to issues of extremism within contemporary Australian society impacting social…

A carer sitting next to their patient gently holding their arm.

Submission on Work and Care

emerging issues for workforce participation and economic productivity in the current debate is access and affordability of social care services, particularly childcare.[6] We suggest that stronger focus is needed in…