The SERC is a network of community service organisations who lead policy, advocacy and strategy on behalf of Western Australia’s (WA) emergency relief (ER) sector. The purpose of SERC is to improve ER services and reduce poverty and inequality in WA.

SERC membership comprises organisations including emergency relief providers, relevant Peaks, Government Departments and funding bodies from across WA. Government and funding representatives are assumed as ex-officio members. Requests to join the committee can be submitted to WACOSS via the Community Relief and Resilience Program Coordinator – [email protected]

Lotterywest fund WACOSS to deliver the Community Relief and Resilience Program (CRR Program). As part of the CRR Program, WACOSS convenes and provides backbone support to the SERC. Funding for this activity is for the grant period 2023 – 2026.

Ex-Officio Members

  • Government of Western Australia – Department of Communities
  • Australian Government – Department of Social Services
  • Water Corporation

Major Supporter

The State Emergency Relief Committee would not be possible without the generous support of Lotterywest.