Each year WACOSS hosts an Emerging Issues Forum. The online event is a future-focused scan, to analyse the most current and relevant trends affecting the sector, providing an opportunity for members of WACOSS to gather information on the evolving landscape of the community services sector in WA for their future planning needs.
Emerging Issues Forum will focus on the following key issues with special guest speakers:
- Lindsay Hale (he/him), School Leaders’ Consultant, The State School Teachers’ Union of WA – Public school funding and educational disadvantage
- Libby Buckingham (she/her), Director of Thriving Communities at VCOSS – Investing in early intervention: the Victorian model
- Isabella Choate (they/them), Interim CEO at Youth Disability Advocacy Network – Workforce challenges from the perspective of a young worker
- Ollie Jay, Professor of Heat and Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney – Heat impacts on prescription and recreational drug use
- Greg Martin (he/him), Associate Dean Research, Murdoch University School of Law and Criminology – Civil rights and corporate interests
Recording of this webinar took place on Friday Friday 12 April 2024, at 2:00pm AWST.
To download and read the presentations from the event, click on the presenter’s name below.