
We host regular webinars on a range of topics, to support the professional development of community services sector workers. Join the mailing list to receive invites to webinars and events that we host.  

Gender Responsive Budgeting Webinar 2024

GRB analyses the impact of the budget on gender equity and considers the process of changing budgetary decision-making priorities. By addressing the economic and fiscal impacts of government budgets on women and gender diverse people, GRB ensures that the WA economy is serving and benefiting all community members.

With thanks to guest speakers, Emeritus Professor Siobhan Austen and Micaela Drieberg. 

This webinar was recorded on Tuesday 25 June 2024.

Emerging Issues Forum 2024

Join us as we analyse some of the most emergent and relevant trends affecting the community sector. This is a great opportunity to hear about the evolving landscape of the sector for future planning needs. 

This webinar was recorded on Friday 12 April 2024.

Advocacy Toolkit Webinar

Take a deep dive into our recently updated Advocacy Toolkit, learn the tools and tips for feeling more empowered to make change with in your communities for the better.

In this webinar we discuss advocacy and why it’s important, how to use media coverage to your advantage, communicating effectively with government, and how to maximise your impact on social media.

Download a copy of the slides here.

This webinar was recorded on Friday 22 March 2024. 

Feeling the Heat: Stories and Strategies for WA’s Rising Temperatures

This webinar, hosted by WACOSS and the Conservation Council of WA’s Go Beyond Gas movement, discusses the health and social impacts of climate-fuelled high heat and heatwaves and strategic methods of adaption and mitigation.

Read and download this supporting resource to help you and other in getting prepared for High Heat events.

Recording of this webinar took place on Thursday 8 February 2024.

What Matters in the Regions: In Conversation with Richard Dennis

A webinar with Dr Richard  Denniss with a focus on what matters for regions to not only survive, but thrive. 

Recorded on Monday 20 November 2023. 

Disaster Risk Funding 

This webinar helps give an understanding of both programs, to encourage applications from the WA Community Service Organisations and Local Governments.

Hosted in partnership and with thanks to the State Emergency Management Committee.

Recording of this webinar took place on Friday 2 November 2023.

Women’s Economic Security

This webinar provides a space to discuss women’s economic security, including the economic value of work primarily dominated by women, the gender wage gap, employment structures, new approaches to measuring productivity, and the disproportionate impact increased cost-of-living has on women. 

Recorded on Wednesday 11 October 2023.

Supporting Young Women to Thrive

This webinar provides a space to discuss how we enhance work to support and enable young women in WA, through investment in positive social determinants that support positive life outcomes. 

Hosted by Alison Evans, CEO of the Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing.

Recorded on Thursday 21 September 2023. 

Emerging Issues Forum 2023

A future-focused scan, to analyse the most current and relevant trends affecting the sector, providing an opportunity for members of WACOSS to gather information on the evolving landscape of the community services sector in WA for their future planning needs. 

This webinar was recorded on Friday 25 August 2023.

Utility Hardship Forum

This webinar details some of the utility assistance programs that exist for people in Western Australia, who are having difficulty paying their gas, electricity and water bills.

Thanks goes to Water Corporation, Horizon Power, Kleenheat, Synergy and Alinta for their contributions to this webinar. 

This webinar was recorded on Thursday 18 May 2023. 

Communities will have conflict. How can we lessen the pain? 

Navigating disruption, crisis, and conflict are normal challenges in community organisations. Things go awry from time to time, with people, relationships, and whole group dynamics.

Dr Megan Paull and Dr Katherine Sugars present their research and offers perhaps reframe a seemingly stuck situation—from the present or the past—or to strengthen your organisation’s capacity to manage the inevitable incidence of conflict in the future. 

This webinar was recorded on Wednesday 26 July 2023. 

Tough Times and the Caring Workforce

This webinar presents economic insights for the community services sector and the people we care for in light of the Federal Budget presented in October 2022, the threat of an approaching recession and proposed tax cuts. 

Presented by Dr Richard Denniss, Executive Director of The Australia Institute. 

This webinar was recorded on Wednesday 23 November 2022. 


Watch some of our recent videos that highlight important campaigns or work, and gain insight into our strategic direction. 

President Mark Glasson talks about the importance of supporting a Voice to Parliament

Mark Glasson, President WACOSS and CEO Anglicare WA, talks about his reasons for supporting a Voice to Parliament.

Authorised by Louise Giolitto, Western Australian Council of Social Service, Level 2, 3 Loftus Street, West Leederville, 6007 Western Australia.

Planning for Partnerships

WACOSS, with support from the WA Department of Health, developed a Planning for Partnerships Framework, providing clear guidance on how to build the most robust, effective cross-sector partnerships and collaborations.

The Framework is designed to help organisations understand, identify and select the most appropriate forms of collaboration, providing a series of tools that support organisations through each step of partnership development, management and measurement.

Watch the Presentation and access the a digital copy of the Framework, and the PowerPoint Presentation on the Planning for Partnership page.