WA Digital Inclusion Project

Project Overview

The WA Digital Inclusion Project is a collaboration between leading community service organisations and peak bodies, the WA Government, digital partners NBN Co and WorkVentures, and major supporter Lotterywest. The Western Australian Council of Social Service (WACOSS) is leading the initiative, and has responsibility for project governance. 

WACOSS is proud to be a member of the WA Government’s Digital Inclusion Accord.

Lotterywest has provided a grant of $3.9 million to address the key barriers to digital inclusion. The three-year project commenced on 1 July 2022, and its seven initiatives aim to assist up to 100,000 people in metropolitan Perth and regional centres where partners offer services.   

Project governance is provided by the WACOSS Board, with a Strategic Reference Group providing guidance to the project team and a Project Partner Network established to represent partners. 

The project aims to improve digital inclusion within the community through various initiatives, including working with community services organisations to build the capability of community service workers to support their clients’ digital skill requirements, and implementation of  innovative pilot initiatives aligned with our strategic focus areas of Ability, Access and Affordability:

  1. Ability– build the digital skills and capability of front-line community services workers so that they support their clients to access services online. 
  2. Access– improve access to connectivity for people in the community. 
  3. Affordability– improve affordability of access and devices for people in the community. 

There are seven key initiatives that support the three strategic focus areas:

For further information please contact: [email protected]

Project Partners

Project partners up to date as of June 2024.

Lotterywest is the major supporter of the WA Digital Inclusion Project. You can read more about their contributions back into the WA community on the Lotterywest Dream State Story Hub website.