This is the latest version of Anglicare WA’s extensive COVID-19 response plan which has evolved over the course of the pandemic, and now includes extensive workforce and service continuity planning in the event that we see a surge of COVID-19 cases impacting the community sector in WA. You can find it here.
Anglicare have also drafted a procedure for Rapid Antigen Testing in their workplace and asked managers to implement a local plan for distribution and use. Anglicare have made this internal policy available so that others in the community sector may benefit from it:
Parkerville CYC have put together an extensive COVID-19 response plan, based off Anglicare WA’s plan above, updated as of 27 January 2022 that recognises the current environment and likely impact on workforce and service delivery of an Omicron outbreak in Western Australia. Parkerville CYC CEO Kim Brooklyn presented this COVID-19 Response plan as part of the Community Sector Workforce Preparedness webinars hosted by WACOSS and the Department of Communities.
Ruah have provided the following presentation slides following their participation in our Community Sector Workforce Preparedness webinar on Friday 11 February 2022, which details their service continuity, succession and workforce planning for living with COVID-19.
WACOSS, in partnership with YACWA, worked closely with Department of Finance, Department of Communities and the Mental Health Commission to design a process map to assist service providers who are having difficulty in delivering on their contracts and supporting their clients due to skills shortages.
The WA Government understand that this is a difficult time, especially in regional WA, to fill staff vacancies and that their is every likelihood these difficulties may increase when we open up.
In the event that an organisations is facing difficulties in delivering aspects of their contracts they should first speak to their individual contract manager and then refer to the steps outlined in the process map.
This process map has been designed as a resource to help the community service sector through this tough time – please share it widely with your networks.