Search Results for: pre budget submission

State Wage Case

State Wage Case Submission 2024

…WA State Budget, Budget Paper 3. Wage Price Index and Employment Wage Price Index (WPI) Growth was 4.2% in 2022-23 and grew by 4.7% in year-ended terms to December 2023.[6]…


State Wage Case Submission 2023

…comparable value.[1] In preparing this submission, WACOSS has carefully considered the health of the wider economy and the changing economic and work environment for low-wage workers. Our submission presents a…

A carer sitting next to their patient gently holding their arm.

Submission on Work and Care

The Western Australian Council of Social Service Inc. (WACOSS) welcomes the opportunity to contribute a submission to the Senate Select Committee on Work and Care. Recommendations Adequate, sustainable funding for…


State Wage Case Submission 2022

…Industrial Relations Act 1979 (WA) [2]Hon Mark McGowan MLA (2022) Western Australia State Budget 2022-23: Budget Paper No.1: Treasurer’s Speech. Government of Western Australia. [3] Duncan, A. (2022) Behind the…


Senate Select Committee on Job Security

…preparation of this submission, WACOSS sought testimonies of the impacts of job insecurity from people throughout our networks. Their anonymous yet personalised accounts are presented throughout this submission. 1. The…