Hard copy membership renewal packs were sent out to all current members via mail this week inviting members to renew their membership for 2017-2018. Members can expect a few changes to membership in the 2017-2018 financial year including the introduction of membership numbers, changes to eNews benefits for individual members and the addition of two new membership scales for organisations. Details of these changes have been included in renewal packs. Electronic copies of the renewal packs will be sent out via email later this week. If you have not received either your hard copy or electronic renewal pack by the 22 May or if you have any other questions about membership renewals, please contact us on 9420 7222 or [email protected].
2017 WACOSS Snap Shot for Members
The first half of 2017 has been a busy one for WACOSS featuring three cornerstone events, the launch of key policy research projects, and the successful facilitation of the WA Peaks Forum State election campaign What if it was me?
Our Self-Directed Services Forum, Emerging Issues Forum and Big Data & Social Investment Forum attracted sector change makers and thought leaders from across Australia and brought forward rich discussions on the future landscape of our work.
We also launched our Not-for-Profit Landscape Report, an innovative new research project with the Curtin Not-for-profit Initiative, which provided insight and analysis on the contribution of community services to the Western Australian economy.
In the lead up to the State election, the What if it was me? campaign brought forward the collective asks of the community sector in order to see the needs of vulnerable and disadvantaged Western Australians appear on the election agenda.
In the rapidly evolving environment of a newly forming government, WACOSS will continue to proactively engage members of the new Cabinet to ensure that the community sector voice is heard and that our collective priorities are part of the new government reform agenda and state budget.
We also look forward to a series of networking and sector engagement events, including our Biennial Community Relief and Resilience Forum on the 26 July. The Forum will bring together sector and Government representatives for a discussion on why we still have children living in poverty, and what can be done about it.
We look forward to your continued support as WACOSS members in 2017-2018 as we move forward in what is shaping up to be a challenging and exciting time for the sector.