A national alliance of housing, homelessness and welfare peak bodies have joined together ahead of the federal election to call for a national strategy to end Australia’s housing crisis by 2025.
The WA Council of Social Service is backing this call by its national counterpart ACOSS, together with Homelessness Australia, National Shelter and the Community Housing Industry Asssociation.
Chris Twomey, WACOSS Director of Policy said “safe, secure and affordable housing is a fundamental to providing better life outcomes for people.”
“Australia finds itself in the midst of a housing crisis that is locking out future generations and leaving current ones without access to shelter.”
“Housing is the single largest living cost for Western Australian households and is the biggest contributor to placing people into financial hardship.”
“We cannot rely on the market to correct this issue when market settings are driving up housing prices. Without a federal strategy to address our housing crisis, we will be unable to provide safe and accessible housing for all Australians.”
“We urge all voters to sign the Vote Home petition this election to show our representatives that the value of shelter extends beyond its sticker price.”
For more information on the Vote Home campaign, visit change.org/votehome
Media Contact:
Chris Twomey WACOSS Director of Policy – 0407 725 025 or 9420 7222
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