Following Treasurer Ben Wyatt’s announcement yesterday of significant rises in electricity, water and transport prices, a series of fact sheets have today been made available on the Treasury website.
WACOSS responded to the announcement yesterday, stating that these rises will directly impact vulnerable and low income households.
Essential household fees and charges impact disproportionately on those on lower incomes, who devote a much greater proportion of their disposable income to covering their daily living costs.
WACOSS reiterated that budget repair should not come at the expense of our most vulnerable, proposing progressive tax measures, which levy increasing charges based on a household’s capacity to pay, as a fairer and more equitable way to fix the budget bottom-line.
The full WACOSS media statement “Rising household costs will hit most vulnerable – 22nd Jun, 2017” can be accessed here
The Treasurer’s media statement “Tariffs, fees and charges to assist in budget repair – 22nd June 2017” can be accessed here