A partnership between Tower Human Capital and The Western Australian Council of Social Service has awarded a further scholarship to an outstanding leader in the not-for-profit sector. Anna Scott, Operations Manager at Zonta House, will embark on a six-month program designed to accelerate growth and career advancement in high-potential women.
The program, Entry to the C-Suite®, has been developed by Tower Human Capital to address the gender equity gap in leadership, and focuses on sponsorship as a crucial component of change. Whilst Anna progresses through the program, Zonta House will be simultaneously be working on developing the role of executive sponsor within the organisation through engagement with the sponsorship aspect of the program.
Tower Human Capital Director, Dale Calhoun, highlights that many programs have been based on mentorship, but that sponsorship by a senior, influential leader, has shown to be one of the most successful supports for women’s promotion and career advancement.
WACOSS CEO Louise Giolotto has said of the program, “It is so important that we continue to challenge gender disparity in leadership positions not only in the not-for-profit and community services sector – traditionally industries that primarily employ women – but across the entire Western Australian workforce. WACOSS is proud to continue to support the work that Tower Human Capital is doing to elevate and support young women who are leaders, to break through into leadership positions.”
The program has received strong support from the business community, with CEOs and executives regularly invited to engage with participants at events. Now entering its eighth cohort, participants and their sponsors represent a broad range of industry groups and sectors.
On completion of the program, participants join a strong alumni of women in leadership who have completed Entry to the C-Suite® and gone on to ‘pay it forward’, by supporting women both inside and outside of their own organisations, with initiatives such as podcasts, lunch and learns, sponsoring or nominating a participant for the program, site visits for selected university students, Lean In Circles, tackling gender issues in organisations and mentoring programs.
The next intake high potential women in Entry to the C-Suite® is already underway, due to commence in February 2023. To find out more, contact [email protected]
Picture (supplied): Anna Scott, Operations Manager, Zonta House.