The Western Australian Council of Social Service congratulates Premier Mark McGowan and WA Labor for their comprehensive victory at the 2021 State Election.
Louise Giolitto, Chief Executive Officer, said that Saturday’s result demonstrates the significant trust that the Western Australian public has placed in Premier McGowan and his team.
“They have successfully steered us through the COVID pandemic thus far, but there is no question that there are significant challenges that they now must face.
“Immediate action is desperately needed to increase the stock of social housing and protect renters from the affordability crisis about to hit.
“Continuing their work to end the overrepresentation of Aboriginal people in our justice system is paramount, as is delivering on their commitments addressing family violence, out-of-home care and homelessness.
“WA Labor has been presented with an historic opportunity to engage in the progressive, structural reform necessary to address inequality and injustice in our state.
“This will require nothing short of significant government investment in Western Australia’s systems of social care, including creating jobs and improving wages and conditions for care workers, investing in preventive-focused strategies for mental health, and providing targeted support for children and families living in entrenched disadvantage.
“Now has to be the moment that we as a state take poverty and inequality seriously. WA cannot afford for this opportunity to be wasted.
“With the opposition numbers so reduced, the role of WACOSS, community peak bodies, and civil society has never been more important. We have a duty to ensure the government is delivering on its commitments and pushing for the public policy outcomes that we need to make our state better.
“We would also like to thank those who either retired or lost their seats at this election for their service to the Western Australian public, and in particular to those who have championed social justice in their time in Parliament.
“WACOSS will continue to seek to work cooperatively with the State Government over the next four years in order to bring us closer to our vision for a truly inclusive, just and equitable Western Australia.”
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Media contact: Laurene Coller, Communications Officer, [email protected], 0419 316 557.