The Western Australian Council of Social Service and Community Employers WA have applauded today’s announcement of a $15 million funding boost for the community services sector by the McGowan Government for the 12 months to June 2022.
The funding will support eligible organisations providing homelessness, mental health, out-of-home care, and family and domestic violence services.
Louise Giolitto, Chief Executive Officer, WACOSS and John Bouffler, Executive Director of Community Employers WA said that today’s announcement is heartening news for community service organisations across our state.
“This funding is a welcome recognition of the essential nature of the community services sector as we work through this period of COVID-19 recovery,” Ms Giolitto said.
“The pandemic demonstrated just how integral care work is to the wellbeing of our society and the central role of frontline care workers in our community.
“The funding is also an acknowledgment of the challenges the sector has been facing in keeping up with the demand for services and providing secure employment for its workers.”
“It will be important that strategic commissioning plans are developed by line agencies over the next 6-12 months to ensure the provision of quality services that meet community need going forward. Community services are keen to work with government to ensure the wellbeing of our communities,” John Bouffler said.
“Investing in care workers is an investment into a highly female-dominated workforce. Focused public investment like this that best supports employment for women in our community is critical in addressing issues like WA’s gender pay gap,” Ms Giolitto said.
“We would like to particularly thank Minister McGurk for championing the importance of the community sector and working with us to ensure that Western Australians are able to access the quality services they need,” Ms Giolitto concluded.
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Media contact: Laurene Coller, Communications Officer, [email protected], 0419 316 557