Emergency and crisis relief support welcomed by community services sector
The Western Australian Council of Social Service (WACOSS) has welcomed yesterday’s announcement from the McGowan Government for additional funding for emergency and crisis relief support that will help struggling households to make ends meet with the constant rising cost of living.
The increased funding for emergency and crisis relief is also much needed news for service providers supporting people on the lowest incomes.
WACOSS CEO Louise Giolitto said it was promising to see the WA State Government and Lotterywest recognising, and supporting, the need for emergency and crisis relief across the community.
“We welcome the increased funding announcement from $10 million to $30million over the next two years, which will go a long way for services that support people experiencing escalating cost-of-living pressures,” Ms Giolitto said.
“Over the last 6 months community services have reported an increased demand for emergency and food relief of 20-50 per cent.
“Many services are also reporting seeing families for the very first time, who are unfamiliar with the supports available to them.
“WACOSS applaud the McGowan Government for listening to the sector, and for providing relief for those who need it the most.
“While this will go some way to addressing the impacts of the rising cost-of-living, the underlying causes of hardship still need to be addressed. These include the lack of affordable housing stock, reforming the concessions system and the need for the Federal Government to increase Commonwealth Rent Assistance payments by at least 50 per cent to take the edge of the rental crisis for those on the income support.
“We also need to see the Federal Government raise the rate of Jobseeker and other income payments in line with the cost of living, so that families can keep a roof over their head, the lights on, and three meals on the table.
“We look forward to continuing to work with the State and Federal Governments to address these issues.” |