The Western Australian Council of Social Service launches DropIN today – the new online collaborative platform set to change the way the community services sector works together, and how we collaborate with our government and corporate partners.
WACOSS 2014 Community Sector Conference
Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre
8:30am Monday 5th May
“The Community Sector Networking Day is the perfect time to launch this exciting new online platform,” said Irina Cattalini WACOSS CEO today.
“Once every two years on the day before the WACOSS Conference the WA community services come together to share our roles, build our relationships and work together to drive the future.”
“With increasing pressures on community services to tackle more complex social problems, to respond to increasing demand for support and to do more with less, DropIN is set to play an important role in this future,” she said.
“DropIN is the first platform of its type to be piloted in Western Australia – developed by the community services sector, for the sector.”
“Drop IN will provide a central repository for meeting documents, areas where individuals can pitch ideas and seek support, and opportunities for working collaboratively on projects and documents,” she concluded.
A number of organisations and groups have piloted DropIN from February 2014 – providing positive feedback of the usefulness of this collaborative online tool.
For further information about DropIN please visit
DropIN is supported by the Government of Western Australia’s Social Innovation Grants Program
For further information about the WACOSS Conference please visit:
Media Contact:
Helen Creed on 0400 175 874 or 9420 7222
To download a PDF of this media release, please click here.