As part of our plan for Recovery from COVID-19 in Western Australia, WACOSS holds weekly webinars about key topics facing the community services sector in WA.
The series will consist of eight webinars which are held each Wednesday at 1pm, between 22 July and 9 September 2020.
Members and the wider community sector have been invited to have input and engagement around our initial thinking about what an inclusive plan for recovery needs to look like for Western Australia in order to leave no one behind.
Register for one, or for many – whichever are of interest to you.
Each webinar will feature a presentation from WACOSS and some of our key partners, followed by opportunities for questions and discussion. Be sure to register to receive some essential pre-reading and the link to the Zoom meeting.
If you participated or watched back any of the webinars, we would very much appreciate you documenting any thoughts/feedback you have on the ideas for recovery in our survey.
Complete our evaluation form about the session
Alternatively, feel free to share your own ideas or thoughts to be included in the plan:
Webinar 1: Recovery: Background and Introduction
This webinar will provide some background to this concept of Recovery. What is recovery, and what does it mean to be planning for recovery? What is the role of state and local government, and of other key stakeholders? What are the WA Government’s priorities for recovery? This will provide the context for the series of webinars.
Webinar 2: Connecting to secure healthy food for all West Australians: Food Stress Index – A world first
Come and learn about Western Australia’s strategic response to food relief and join us to address the challenge of food insecurity. The WA Food Stress Index is a unique innovation that has underpinned a major part of our approach. This is your opportunity to find out how the Food Stress Index can pinpoint the potential of food stress in households in specific neighborhoods and regional areas works.
This webinar was held in partnership with the Public Health Advocacy Institute, Curtin University.
Webinar 3: The care economy
Care work has a crucial part to play in Western Australia’s social and economic recovery. An investment into the care economy is an investment into quality public and community sector jobs. If areas like care work are not included as part of WA’s economic recovery efforts, the very real risk is run that we will inadvertently extend or further entrench that wage gap and fail to address growing need.
Webinar 4: Social Isolation and Wellbeing
Social exclusion, loneliness and mental health have been exacerbated by COVID, and people and groups already living with hardship and adversity are more likely to have been impacted during the shut-down. This webinar will be a chance for WACOSS to hear from the sector about your observations and experiences of social isolation on the children and families that you support. We will ask for your input about how we ensure that vulnerable and at-risk households are at the heart of social recovery.
Webinar 5: Regional, place based and community wealth building
Social and economic recovery in regional Western Australia should be driven by community-based programs and initiatives that are created and sustained locally. Place-based solutions, particularly in regional and remote areas, are better able to develop effective and comprehensive responses to complex issues. Community wealth building is a systems approach to economic development that creates an inclusive, sustainable economy built on locally rooted and broadly held ownership.
Webinar 6: Energy and Conservation
From household bills to climate change, the nature of our energy system has a significant impact in our lives and a disproportionate one for those on the lowest incomes. This webinar will explore energy hardship and climate change vulnerability, and proposals to build WA back better – to address these issues while supporting our state through the social and economic recovery.
In partnership with the Conservation Council of WA and Shelter WA.
Webinar 7: Opportunities for justice reinvestment
Western Australia’s prison system is broken. Despite spending millions of dollars on our justice system every year, crime has grown 20% in the past decade. How can we create safer communities at a fraction of the cost? Join this webinar to learn about our vision for a smarter criminal justice system and how we can defund prisons and create safer communities and healthy families for all Western Australians.
In partnership with Social Reinvestment WA and Community Legal WA.
Webinar 8: The role of social enterprise, impact investment and co-operatives
These topic areas traverse and blur the traditional ‘for profit’ and ‘not-for-profit’ boundaries. Social enterprise not only supports the growth of employment opportunities but at the same time, contributes to critical social impact outcomes and can provide meaningful opportunities for disadvantaged and vulnerable job-seekers. Impact investment is on the rise internationally, and the WA Impact Fund is actively seeking investments in Western Australia. And cooperative models ensure that profits made in WA stay in WA and with local communities. All of this has never been more important in the economic recovery from COVID-19.
In partnership with the Impact Investment Alliance of WA, the WA Social Enterprise Council and Impact Seed.
Webinar 9: Social impacts of COVID-19 on families living in hardship
100 Families WA project partners discuss their recent research on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted Western Australian families living in hardship, including what restrictions and economic and social impacts were experienced by the 158 families who took part in the survey.
Facilitated by the 100 Families WA Project
Webinar 10 – Digital Inclusion & the Digital Inclusion Blueprint
A WA Digital Inclusion Blueprint is currently being developed by the Office of Digital Government, Western Australian Department of Premier and Cabinet, focussed on empowering members of the community to confidently and safely enjoy the benefits of digital technology in everyday life. The Blueprint describes the Government’s proposed draft approach and potential initiatives for community, government and industry to collaboratively improve digital inclusion in Western Australia. This webinar will feature presenters from the Office of Digital Government to explore this important topic, particularly which is timely in light of COVID-19 recovery planning. Access the draft Blueprint and information about how to provide feedback.
In partnership with the Department of Premier and Cabinet.
Webinar 11 – Working in partnership, lessons learnt from COVID-19
A number of community sector partners discuss what worked well, in working in partnership within the community services sector and across other sectors during the emergency response to COVID-19. This webinar showcases specific case studies, such as the WA Peaks Forum and the response to charity and food relief. What lessons were learnt, and how do we continue to engage the spirit of cooperation into recovery and regeneration? Listen to how these lessons can be used to plan for future emergencies, whether it be a resurgence of COVID-19, or something else in future.