The Western Australian Council of Social Service today released an updated list of community service funding priorities ahead of the State Budget on 8th August, highlighting affordable housing as the most important need for the WA community.
The WACOSS Budget Submission, originally released in October 2012, has been updated and reissued to take into account changed circumstance and new commitments arising since the State Budget was delayed from its usual timing in May.
“Western Australian community organisations await with interest the release of the State Budget to discover how WA will tackle growing demand for services and support and increasing complexity of need among our most disadvantaged citizens,” said Irina Cattalini, CEO of WACOSS today.
“Our Budget Submission encourages more effective collaboration across existing programs and services – to deliver meaningful outcomes for specific disadvantaged communities.”
The five key priority areas for investment identified in the WACOSS Pre-Budget Submission last October remain the same:
– Housing and Homelessness $525m
– The Cost of Living $275m
– Children, Young People & Families $78m
– People with Complex Needs $57m
– Sustainable Community Services State-wide $15m
The updated report has focused on one or two key strategies in each area that it believes would be the most effective response, recognising the commitments made during the State election campaign earlier this year.
“We recognise this year’s State Budget is going to be a challenging one, given tightening economic conditions at the State level – what we are looking for is strategic investment in effective service delivery that boosts better outcomes.
“Housing was the number one issue in our community consultations, and the biggest single factor contributing to financial stress for low income households in our recent Cost of Living report.
The updated submission, Stronger Together: Working Collaboratively for a Socially Sustainable WA, will be available on the WACOSS website from Friday 26 July 2013.
Media Contact
Irina Cattalini, WACOSS CEO – 0422 422 438 or (08) 9420 7222
To download a PDF of this media release, please click here.