Fair Food WA welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the House Standing Committee on Agriculture’s inquiry into Food Security in Australia.

Fair Food WA (FFWA) brings together expertise from the not-for-profit and government sectors to address food security in Western Australia. FFWA is funded by Lotterywest and hosted by the Western Australian Council of Social Service, the peak body representing the state’s community service sector.

FFWA was established in 2017 to lead the development of a strategic Framework that provides an overview of the charity food sector and solutions to address food insecurity in Western Australia. Through the development of the Framework and progress on several recommended outcomes, FFWA is recognised as a leader in this space.

They have provided strategic advice and guidance to other Australian states and were awarded the Gold Award for Best Practice in Collaboration at the 2021 Institute of Public Administration Australia WA awards.

The members of FFWA are committed to ensuring all people in Western Australia have the right to be food secure. We urge the Committee to recognise the drivers of food insecurity as rooted in the experience of poverty and financial hardship and to consider the unique circumstances of those living on an inadequate income within their deliberations. We note that agriculture is just one part of the food system and seek to highlight the food security needs of the many Australians relying on emergency food

Read the FairFood response as well as all other Submissions to the enquiry click here.

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