All of the latest and most up-to-date COVID-19 information from the WA Government can be found on the Healthy WA website or the WA government COVID-19 website.
Some Western Australians have additional needs or at a higher risk – specialised information is available, including for older people, people with a disability, Aboriginal people, people who speak English as a second language, people living regionally, people at risk of a serious illness, people who are pregnant or have a young family, and casual workers.
COVID-19 Testing and isolation guides
As COVID-19 cases increase across WA, it’s important to understand what we need to do when it comes to testing and isolation. Listed below are the guidelines that you can follow depending on the situation you’ve been in. Following these will help you know what to do to keep yourself and others in the community safe. These 1 page fact sheets are useful for organisations to make available to their staff and clients:
Each of the links below takes you to the Healthy WA website where there are a range of resources available to help organisations and individuals manage COVID-19:
WACOSS, in collaboration with Shelter WA, liaised with the State Health Incident Coordination Centre (SHICC) in the Department of Health to ensure there are up to date guidelines for congregate living facilities in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak.
Providers of congregate living services are responsible for COVID-19 outbreak preparedness within their own facilities, with guidance and support from their peak bodies and the Department of Health, Western Australia (DoH WA). These guidelines are only intended to assist service providers with that process and will not serve as an outbreak management plan in and of themselves.
Services need to prepare for prevention and response to an outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) by:
The SHICC have also provided checklists for tasks to be completed and documents to be submitted to the Department of Health within the first 24 hours of a COVID-19 outbreak in a congregate living facility. The purpose of these checklists is to ensure that any further spread of COVID-19 is contained, and resident and staff safety is prioritised.
The video below is a recording of the Department of Communities webinar held on Thursday 3 March 2022 outlining the WA Government’s commitment to providing RATs and PPE to the community sector, as well as a $1 million grant for funding for additional cleaning services and the development of a surge workforce capacity, both to be facilitated by WACOSS.
The slides from the presentation are available to download here.
The video below is a recording of the Community Sector Workforce Preparedness webinar co-hosted by WACOSS and the Department of Communities on Friday 4 February 2022.
The slides from the presentation are available to download here.
Join Dr Andrew Martin, from the Children and Adolescent Health Service, as he describes how COVID-19 can affect children and how to care for them at home.
The Queensland government has developed a really user friendly platform for helping the community to prepare for living with COVID-19.