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WACOSS has been working in partnership with the Department of Premier and Cabinet, and with support from the Department of Finance, on a whole-of-sector Outcomes Framework. The aim of the Framework is to create scaffolding that assists in linking outcomes across different agencies and programs, and in particular to address some of the siloes in service delivery that have been evident across program, agency and departmental levels, in turn generating better service delivery outcomes for the community.

As part of a broader engagement strategy, WACOSS is inviting you to come along to a half-day interactive conversation about the Framework’s first and second prototypes. The session will provide some introduction to the language and context of outcomes, and to the project itself, and then delve into facilitating advice and feedback on the domains, population level outcomes and indicators that form the pieces of the Framework. We encourage participants to come prepared with their own outcomes measurement strategies and/or frameworks from your sectors, so that we can spend some time ‘mapping’ these to the broader outcomes framework.