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The aim of this workshop and the Food Relief Project is to review and make recommendations about better ways of delivering relief to those who experience food insecurity, through a process that collectively represents the voice of the sector – providers, suppliers, recipients and other stakeholders.  In other words, we are looking at ways we can work together to improve how we provide people and families with food relief. The great thing about this Project is that the drive for a framework came from the sector itself, after many stakeholders recognised that there are potential improvements that can be made.

We are seeking your views, ideas and experiences for inclusion in the framework, through a series of workshop consultations we are hosting around the State, with two taking place in the Pilbara. These sessions will be an important opportunity for local providers to collaboratively brainstorm what’s working well and what else can we do to ensure a more sustainable sector that is best placed to meet the needs of those who experience food insecurity. The Framework will also assist in supporting and sustaining existing and new partnerships and initiatives, which will in turn enhance the capacity and capability of the sector as a whole. The Framework will be central to ensuring that the sector has an influential and coordinated role around policy, funding, services and systems, and advocacy as appropriate. Uniting the sector’s vision and voice, including the service users, will enable a more robust platform for advocating the needs of some of the most disadvantaged citizens in Western Australia and working together to devise ways to redress these. Once the draft framework is developed, we will then take it back to you for your review, confirmation and final feedback.

This Project is funded by Lotterywest, auspiced by WACOSS and overseen by a Working Group, comprised of representatives from the sector.