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The Western Australian Council of Social Service are pleased to welcome you to the State Budget Submission launch.

Each year, WACOSS provides the Western Australian Government with a State Budget Submission which reflects the sector’s priorities for expenditure in the following State Budget. The Submission is a culmination of sector-wide consultation, forming a significant part of WACOSS policy and advocacy work, and influencing funding decisions for community services organisations across Western Australia.


State Budget Submission

Registrations – 12:30 pm

Commences – 1:00 pm

Concludes – 2:00 pm


Following the State Budget Submission, members are invited to stay for the 2019 WACOSS Annual General Meeting.

The AGM is a wonderful opportunity for our members to be involved in welcoming the newly appointed WACOSS Board Members, and reflect on the significant work of WACOSS within the Community Service sector.

WACOSS Annual General Meeting 

Registrations – 2:00 pm

Commences – 2:30 pm

Concludes – 3:45 pm