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The Western Australian Council of Social Service (WACOSS) invites you to play a crucial role in our State Budget Submission Community Consultations. Each year, WACOSS delivers a comprehensive submission to the WA Government, recommending priorities for public investment to improve the lives of individuals and communities. The submission identifies emerging issues, underscores the critical needs of frontline community services, and the essential investment needed to build thriving communities.

Your input is invaluable. We need your sector expertise, insights and priorities to shape a submission that truly impacts people doing it the toughest. This is your chance to influence our budget submission and our recommendations, ensuring that the needs of the community and the community services sector are at the forefront of government budgeting.

As we approach the 2025 WA State Election, the voice of the community services sector has never been more crucial. During our consultation we will share our work developing our vision and campaign for a fairer Western Australia.

This consultation is for any community service organisations based in Esperance and the Goldfields region of WA.

This session will be held online and a Zoom link will be shared two days prior to the event.