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The 4-hour Mental Health First Aid for the Suicidal Person course is for any interested adult. You will learn:

  • education and information about suicide rates and risk factors in the Australian context
  • skills and improve confidence to safely have a conversation with someone who is experiencing suicidal thoughts and behaviours
  • practical skills for how to provide mental health first aid to someone who is feeling suicidal
  • time to practicing these skills in a safe environment.

**Please note this course is not a therapy or support group. This course is not recommended for individuals recently bereaved by suicide. 

Please note lunch is not provided, however you are welcome to bring your own. Only 20 spots are available.


Romy Pritchard has been working with the community services sector for more than 20 years. As founder of RDP Enterprise Solutions, she currently develops and delivers training, workshops and seminars to promote mental health awareness, reduce stigma and increase knowledge around mental health problems and suicide prevention. Romy is a MHFA Principal Master Instructor and is accredited to deliver a range of the Mental Health First Aid courses.