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The Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC) has a state-wide education and training unit which has an important role to increase community knowledge and skills and challenge the myths surrounding sexual assault, rape and sexual abuse. As part of the WACOSS Pilbara Project and based on Community Sector feedback, SARC have been engaged to deliver the “Addressing Trauma in the Workplace” to service workers in 3 Pilbara locations; Hedland, Karratha & Tom Price.

The interactive workshop examines the possible impacts on front-line workers from working with clients who are experiencing hardship. Participants will be encouraged to examine their own coping and wellbeing, to review their current situation and to identify strategies for promoting their self-care both in the work setting and outside work. Managers who attend the workshop will be provided with additional information on supporting workers.

Topics covered include:
• The possible impacts on workers from working with clients who are trauma survivors and/or experiencing hardship and struggle
• Risk factors that make workers more vulnerable
• Personal and organisational symptoms of vicarious trauma
• An audit of the current situation
• Strategies for personal and professional self-care

This capacity building opportunity is supported by the Pilbara Development Commission.