Purpose & Overview

WACOSS would like to propose the establishment of Community Services HR Practitioners network

The idea came from one of our members who previously worked in disability sector where such network existed. WACOSS receives many HR and People and Culture queries and welcomes this initiative. We believe we can harness WACOSS extensive network and establish this group who would provide support and guidance on HR matters amongst the network members. The establishment of this group would be particularly helpful for regional and small organisations.

Network Operation

The way the network operates in Disability services is on three levels:



Contacts all organisations and asks for a nominated representative/s and their contact details. This list is shared with all network members.

Ad hoc assistance

A member who is encountering a HR related challenge can send an email to all network members and asks for them to share their approach – the responses are shared to the whole group so everyone benefits from the sharing of information.

  • Does anyone have a policy on x topic they would be willing to share?
  • We have been contacted by x union on y topic – is anyone else being contacted by the same union about this matter? Is there a sector wide campaign going on right now?
  • We are developing our position on FDVA – does your organisation provide paid or unpaid FDVA leave?

Quarterly meetings

The convenor would organise a quarterly meeting – in person or virtual – and members would propose topics for discussion, a member could give a presentation on a new HR initiative and share how it has gone, there would be a sharing of current state on a range of topics (enterprise bargaining was a common topic).