Purpose and Overview

This new fund will support communities affected by natural disasters, including bushfires and cyclones. It will provide financial support to households, community groups and local businesses that face disruption and losses from significant natural disasters. 

WACOSS will administer grant provision for local businesses and community organisations. If certain conditions are met, payments of $5,000 could be made to help with repairs and recovery.

The Premier’s Natural Disaster Recovery fund will be activated by the Premier after specific disaster events. The eligibility conditions for both business and community organisations will be tailored to each separate declared emergency.

A simple application procedure will require applicants to prove that they are eligible. Documentary evidence may be required. Once confirmed, successful applicants will receive a grant payment.

Contact us

WACOSS point of contact (relating to grants for businesses and community organisations):


The Premier’s Natural Disaster Recovery Fund will be activated by the Premier in response to specific disaster events in WA. At the time of writing (10th January 2025) the Premier’s Natural Disaster Recovery Fund has not been activated.  The details of any future activation will be publicised on this webpage.

The Premier’s Natural Disaster Recovery Fund will be activated by government in response to specific disaster events in WA. At the time of writing (10th January 2025) the Premier’s Natural Disaster Recovery Fund has not been activated.  The details of any future activation will be publicised on this webpage.

Grant eligibility criteria may differ for each disaster event. Eligibility criteria for business and community organisations will be decided at the time of activation and will be available through this webpage.

Documentary evidence of the status of businesses and/or community organisations and the extent of the damage suffered because of a disaster, will be required and will be checked. More detail will follow and will be available through this web page.

More information on the Premier’s Natural Disaster Recovery Fund is available at WA.gov.au/premiersrecoveryfund. 

No. Longer term support measures such as the Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements and Lord Mayor’s Distress Relief Fund will also continue to be available if activated.